I had ordered a surprise package from a guy on Facebook, same guy I bought my Mega Drive from, that arrived in the mail today.
It promised a Nintendo 8-bit game and one surprise.
There was a list of 20 games, I had 5 of them so it was a little bit of a gamble, and the surprise could be everything from another NES game, Gameboy game, controller, cables or stickers.
Thought it was a pretty funny thing to do, and it was a good price too I thought. So I gave it a shot.
So what did I get you may ask?
Was I pleasantly surprised or hugely disappointed?
Well... Look below and find out.
Eh... well it was a disappointment I'm afraid. Track & Field II and a... lollipop!? Well Track & Field II is a good game and all, but I already own a copy. A boxed, although a very worn box, copy.
It was a gamble, I know, so can't really be mad about the game. But I'm very disappointed about the lollipop. Was hoping for at least something Nintendo related.
Still I think it was a great thing this seller did. There was some really great games in the lot so some buyers was probably happy. And he did compensate me. Gonna get some Nintendo stickers
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