Monday, 7 September 2015

REVIEW: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

I'm a big fan of the Castlevania games, much thanks to Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (but mostly for Symphony of the Night for PS1), so this was a must have in my collection.
I know many thinks this is a shitty game. Hell Angry Video Game Nerd made an episode of how bad this is. But I always liked it, even though it is very cryptic at times.

I have very fond memories of watching my older brother and cousin play this when I was young, and then later I got to play it but not sure if I ever managed to beat it back then.
It was not until I downloaded it on my Wii's Virtual Console I think I beat it first.

It's been a couple of years since then and I tried to beat it the other day on NES without walkthorugh.

I didn't remember much so it took some time, and I did get stuck one time and actually had to check what it was I had missed. But I did manage to beat it. It is not that hard. The thing that makes it hard is the cryptic puzzles. The enemies are vary simple compared to the first and third Castlevania. Dracula extremely easy if you know what do to.

But still I like this game and it is a classic and for me a must have in a NES collection, toghether with the other two for the system (which I don't have yet, but will get eventually).
Also this is the cheapest of the Castlevania games for the NES.

You can watch me playthrough the whole game here or watch the highlights of me beating it.
I got the bad ending this time but will soon playthrough it again and go for the normal and good ending.

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